martes, 26 de octubre de 2010


Because of its proximity in time, and when television was born in America, was already a phenomenon of gentle, rock and roll is probably the first sign of popular culture fully and completely documented from beginning to end.

The form of dance rock and the very word which designates it hovered for decades in American popular culture when, in the mid 50's, a form of singing and playing starts to feverishly youth who see it as a way for channel their desire for dissent and rebellion.

If it is not easy to say when he was born more difficult is to know when he died, he began to turn and when it became something really different. Today, dozens of rock with disparate names share a common grandfather, but thanks to recordings, images, movies and memories that rock and roll, the true, first, the black and white balls, is still here. Long live rock and roll! 

 Mayra Alexandra Molina


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