miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

En el trabajo de ingles estuve metido en el grupo de organizacion. Estuve asistiendo a uno de los ensayos y acompañe a Luisa Galvez y Daniela Torres a mirar los vestuarios que ibamos a utilizar, los cuales me parecieron muy lindos, los tres estuvimos de acuerdo con los vestidos que nos enseñaron ese dia. Tambien asisti a los primeros ensayos y estuve pendiente de que todo estuviera organizado.

In the English work I was involved in the group organization. I was attending one of the trials and accompanying Luisa Torres Daniela Galvez and look at the costumes we were going to use, which seemed very nice, the three agreed with the clothes we were taught that day. Also attended the first trial and was aware of that everything was organized.

Alexander Monedero

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

Organizadoras: Luisa maria galvez
                        Daniela Torres 

Logistica: Luis Alberto Bolaños
               Luisa Maria Galvez
               Alejandro Gonzales Rebellon 
               Victor Leandro Marin 
               Daniela Torres Zarama

In the stand and choreography work drove a good organization methodology applied.first began to gather in one house, attended the first day only half of the room, after that we started meeting at the home of lorena gomez, from then on Lorraine's mother began to organize dances for days, ie Monday it was up to the salsa and merengue, on Tuesday at a different group and so on.
In our group pertaining to logistics and organization, did much of the work and take care of costumes, party makeup, etc. Daniela Torres and Luisa Galvez, were commissioned to go out in several places to rent costumes, in the place that we chose at the end of all we left the clothes to 18,000 c / u. We expected that most of the salon was going to rent, but after that they told us that the costumes would be sent to do, so we removed that concern off. At the end of all talk to the living room and there were many people who did not know where to get that suit.
The image that appears first is the brochure handed out during the day of the bicentennial of English.

Luisa Galvez
Daniela Torres

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010


it is musical kind autotone of the coast caribe colombian with epicentre in  the former  province  frying padilla and an important vbariant in the savannah  regines of the country and  neighboring countries as venezuela, panama,ecuador and mexico is interpreted traditionally by three instruments  the diatonic acordeon and the guacharaca an the box .

the melodias of these singings they were interpreted first by the flute of cane of millo or reed-grass.


•the vallenato does part of the music folclorica  of the caribe colombiana  coast , is the musical colombian pace that there  alcansado more popularity so many national as international a nivel.

•characteristic which makes the traditional vallenato  to be construed ters only with an instrument that does not requieren  any  amplification.

name: sivira velez

My process in the Rock and Roll dance

It was a very wealthy lady, to share with my friends ....
Group work was well coordinated, never misses a test and does not disrespect one of my mates and if so I apologize.

As for communication with the 'leader ° was normal although I had better communication with Daniel Torres and ke was the one that was more like watching us, taking angie lorena encuenta that as well but very little.
I think that Angie is missing as more responsibility for what being a leader.

 the day Wednesday in the week break supposedly met at 1 pm ..

 when we arrived there was not as if 10 people .. arrives a little late for ke were doing a demo .. When we started in Ansay the choreography of rock and roll Lorraine went with her boyfriend and left us alone and not even told us boys ¨ I have to walk · why I dislike it a lot ..

many people came to the race for the test that we dislike them all.

Despite that some roses were some classmates at the beginning of the process we all went well thank god ...


martes, 26 de octubre de 2010


Bachata is a popular dance music originated in the Dominican Republic. It is considered a hybrid of bolero with other influences such as the hallway, huapango, and son cubano, among others.
The name "bachata" designated more than a dance, a social, fun, exciting and always happy. Everyone wanted to attend.
In the beginning it was seen more as a rhythm street, heard mostly  by middle- class poor in the Dominican Republic, but in the  mid 80´s, whit  the mega expansion of the media, this genre beyond the borders latin america and then came to the world.
thanks to artists such as juan luis guerra and victor victor in the mid 80´s and early 90´s, this rate also passed the country´s social boundaries to reach  all the people quickly.

The bachata dance is considered one of the most cheerful and very simple to learn and very simple to learn and which consists mainly of steps that go from front to back and side, mainly focusing on the sensual movement of the body and hip.



Because of its proximity in time, and when television was born in America, was already a phenomenon of gentle, rock and roll is probably the first sign of popular culture fully and completely documented from beginning to end.

The form of dance rock and the very word which designates it hovered for decades in American popular culture when, in the mid 50's, a form of singing and playing starts to feverishly youth who see it as a way for channel their desire for dissent and rebellion.

If it is not easy to say when he was born more difficult is to know when he died, he began to turn and when it became something really different. Today, dozens of rock with disparate names share a common grandfather, but thanks to recordings, images, movies and memories that rock and roll, the true, first, the black and white balls, is still here. Long live rock and roll! 

 Mayra Alexandra Molina


Durante los ensayos  de baile fui responsable con mi trabajo, aunque tuve inconvenientes  al principio  con la  persona que lideraba el grupo debido a que  soy una persona muy sonriente y eso a ella le molestaba, pero después se arreglo este inconveniente.
Me sentí bien ya que cada vez que ensayábamos todo  iba saliendo cada vez mejor, todos coordinábamos,  la  salida al medio  de las personas  del baile con Alejandro Gonzales cada día iba mejorando mas.
Los ensayos se realizaban en la casa de Lorena Gómez  ya que su mamá nos enseño la coreografía de baile que gracias a Dios y  a ella hoy 26 de octubre del 2010 todo salió mejor de lo que me esperaba.
Daniela Torres fue une persona que estuvo pendiente de todos nosotros, del vestuario de que  no nos faltara nada; ya que para el día de hoy todo estuviera  bien; como en   todo grupo hubo inconvenientes pero  supimos superar esto y todo valió  la pena pues pienso que 10-1 se lucio con los bailes.

My process of rock and roll dance

During the dance rehearsals I was responsible with my work, although I had problems at first with the person leading the group because I am a very smiley person and that annoyed her, but then under this disadvantage.

I felt good because each time we rehearsed everything was going better and better, all coordinábamos, the output to half of people dancing with Alejandro Gonzales was improving every day more.

The tests were conducted at the home of Lorena Gomez and her mom taught us the choreography of dance and she thanked God today October 26, 2010 it went better than I expected.

Daniela Torres was joined person who was awaiting us all, clothing that we are not missing anything, because to this day everything was fine, as in every group there were problems but we managed to overcome this and it was all worthwhile because I think Pike was 10-1 with the dances.

nakary ulloa riascos

pues, en todo el transcurso de la semana de receso y en las otras semanas. estuve muy puntual, nunca falte a ningun ensayo. Siempre fui muy responsable con lo que me toco. Algo que realmente no me gusto es que Lorena no tiene paciencia para atenderlo a uno como persona ¿por que? porque mantenia gritandonos y ademas fuera de eso no era responsable cuando tenia que estar con el grupo si era en el colagio era arriba o abajo con el novio casi nunca estaba pendiente estaba mas al pendiente Daniela Torres que era la encargada del escenario y otras cosas mas se supone que ella siendo la lider tenia que haber ido a negociar los trajes tampoco fue eso lo hizo Daniela Torres y Luisa Galvez. Pues no digo mas eso fue lo que yo vi en el transcurso de esas semanas y lo que  hice gracias
Nakary Ulloa Riascos 10-1

So throughout the course of a week of recess and other weeks. I was very punctual, never absent from any test. I was always very responsible with what I play. something I really do not like is that Lorena does not have the patience to take care of you as a person why? because he kept screaming and also outside it was not responsible when it came to be with the group if it was in the colagio was up or down with the groom was rarely slope was more tuned Daniela Torres who was in charge of the stage and other things it is supposed to be the leader had to have gone to negotiate the suits did not was that Torres and Luisa Daniela Galvez. Say no more because that was what I saw during those weeks and I did thanksUlloa Nakary Riascos 10-1

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010


To be able to carry out my English work I had to go by a long process in the one which, us tuvismos that to gather followed several weeks, to mount each one of the raisins of it makes a choreography her; my English work consists of two dances, which are sauce and reggeton, every week tartabamos of increasing the steps to improve the it makes a choreography and the person that I help us to mount the it makes a choreography of sauce it was the she suckles of  Lorena Gómez, and also with our living room partner's help Ivonne Guerrero, and for it makes a choreography her of English with our partner's help Andrés Machado... thanks to these helps we have been able to take out our English project ahead to be able to him to present in the cultural week. PRESENTED FOR: ESTEFANY ALEXANDRA CARO MARIN. 10-1

ivonne daniela guerrero garcés

mi proceso:
En mi proceso fui una persona muy responsable, cumplida, no falte a los ensayos estuve ausente una vez porque tenia  una cita medica, siempre tuve compromiso,entrega y dedicación.
tuve que ver mucho yo realize parte de la coreografia de salsa y siempre estuve disponible para dar el todo por el todo; mi pareja de salsa en ocasiones no fue a ensayar igual logro aprender los pasos rapido ya falta poco para la presentación espero qe salga todo bien.

my process:
in my process I was a person very complety resposible not.
I was absent in one of the practice because he had a medical appointment but still had obligation, compromise,and dedication.
I had much to do with the cordination of each dance. I organize the choreography of salsa and I always was available to give everythin in each moment.
my dancing pair in "salsa" didn't go sometimes, but he could learn the steps very fast; time is short for presentation and hope every thing is ok

THE TIMES IN 1810-2010

the developments is going really 
good the group is getting a lony 
bachata group has already prepared 
a very nice show for you people.

thank you
sincerely: angie castro 10-1

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

ensayos de bailes

las coreografias ya estan casi completas, falta terminar merengue cumbia y vals!


iniciando mi proceso de adaptacion a los diferentes modalidades de baile, tuvimos la idea el grupo de ir clasificando a cada persona en que tipo de baile se desempeñaba  mejor y de esta forma estoy clasificada en tres bailes que son : salsa, rock and roll, reggaeton. en este proceso de aprendizaje tuvimos como instructora de baile a la mama de una compañera llamada lorena quien esta persona se desempeña haciendo coreografias de bailes, afortunadamente la profesora de baile nos acomodo varias coreografias con ritmos apropiados para el dia del evento; con mucho esfuerzo he asistido a las clases por que realmente las reuniones las hacen en un barrio lejano del mio pero he asistido a todas las clases.
despues de montado los bailes nos hemos reunido para ponernos de acuerdo con los diferentes vestuarios de cada baile pero ha sido un poco dificil puesto que cada vestuario tiene costo ò una dificultad para conseguirlo y este ha sido una de las dificultades mas grandes del grupo.

bueno aqui voy a nombrar los diferentes vestuarios de mujer asignados para cada ritmo

- rock and roll
- una falda y una blusa ambas blancas
-zapatos blancos .
y pues este seria el vestuario para este ritmo

- salsa
-un vestido con boleros ( de cualquier color)
-zapatos altos

- reggaeton
- un short de jean , blusa blanca y zapatos cerrados .

en fin estos serian los vestuarios con los que nos vamos a presentar segun el baile asignado.


starting my process of adaptation to different forms of dance, the group had the idea of going to rank each person in that type of dance performed better and so I'm classified in three dances that include salsa, rock, reggaeton in this learning process as a dance instructor had the breast of a fellow named Lorraine who this person is doing choreographed dance play, fortunately we dance teacher choreographs several rhythms accommodation suitable for the day of the event, with much effort I attended classes that really make the meetings in a neighborhood far from mine but I attended all the classes.mounted after the dances we have met to agree with the different outfits for each dance but it was a little difficult because each costume has cost or difficulty to achieve and this has been one of the biggest challenges the group.
good here I will name the different costumes for women assigned to each beat
- Rock and roll- A skirt and blouse both white-White shoes.and because this would be the costumes for this rate
- Salsa"A dress with bolero (any color)"High heels
- Reggaeton- Jean shorts, white shirt and shoes.
In short this would be the locker room with us we will present assigned according to the dance.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010


Today traditional cumbia is preserved and considered representative of the Colombian identity, especially on the northern Caribbean coast. The best representation of traditional Cumbia is shown every year on Festival de la Cumbia in El Banco, Magdalena. This festival was created by one of the most important Colombian Cumbia composers, Jose Barros, in order to preserve the original rhythms of traditional Cumbia music. It is also associated with the Carnival of Baranquilla and the Christmas parties all over Colombia. Modern forms of cumbia are also combined with other genres such as vallenato, electronica or rock. This mixing of genres is found in the music of modern artists such asCarlos Vives, Bomba Estéreo and Andres Cabas
Since the 1980's, in the city of Medellín, there has been growing interest among young and middle-aged people in "rescuing" the masterpieces of the 50's. This is the only city in Colombia where ballroom numbers of Cumbia, Porro and Gaita (orchestrated variant of Porro Pelayero or "Palitiao") are still widely enjoyed and danced to by all ages of all social classes.


sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010

Diseño de escenarios

Nosotros los encargados de organizar los escenarios para la celebracion del bicentenario del area de ingles hemos tenido la idea de adecuar el ambiente respecto a su epoca

Tenemos pensado crear estilos diferentes en cada escena poniendo de fondo telones dependiendo del baile.
Los telones los vamos a crear con carton y en ellos vamos a dibujar medio cuerpo de varias personas, teniendo como color base el negro. Separaremos el escenario del resto del patio con dibujos en el piso que llamen la atencion y con una cinta amarilla que tenga escrita la siguiente frase: "Area restringida"
Vamos a forrar las columnas con un papel reciclable, en las columnas que atraviesan el colegio horizontalmente pondremos discos, una bola y cosas alusivas a la epoca del baile que se realize

Luisa Maria Galvez
Alexander Monedero